McKnight • Kaney

Strategy Formulation

No strategy, no intentional results.


Many of our clients do not have a strategy, at least not one we think of as an executable strategy. What's this? Such a strategy states:


1. The goals the strategy is intended to achieve, with particular emphasis on customer benefits, and how those results will lead to financial gain.

2. The value discipline to which the organization is committed (i.e., product innovation, operational excellence, or customer-intimacy).

3. Why achieving those goals is important, the rationale behind the strategy.

4. How and why taking these steps is crucial NOW.

5. The steps required in four organization design arenas, and how taking those steps will lead to results for customers, and thus for shareholders:

• The structure of the organization; the lines and boxes.

• The key business processes and how they contribute to results, noting which need improvement, development, etc.

• The organization’s reward and performance tracking system.

• The organization’s people practices.


Read more about our approach to formulating and executing strategy



© 2015, McKnight-Kaney We wrote the book on strategy execution®